Scandiflash Flash X-Ray System
Flash X-ray solutions for ballistics, hypervelocity impact testing, detonics (ordnance velocity & explosives research) and more…\
Scandiflash FXR Systems cover a wide voltage range, from 75 kV to 1200 kV and include all the necessary gear you need to get the job done right.
Scandiflash Flash X-ray (FXR) Systems
are designed to see through fire, smoke, metal and other materials during ballistics, hypervelocity impact testing, detonics (ordnance velocity & explosives research), and more, using short, intense X-ray pulses for high-speed and ultra high-speed imaging. Exposure times ranging from 20–35 nanoseconds and small focal spot sizes produce extremely sharp radiographs for analysis. Our systems feature a wide voltage range and the option of using soft X-rays for optimal penetration and contrast for most applications.

A. Pulser, B. X-ray tube & C. 19″ Rack mounted control tower featuring one PDU 4 power distribution unit, four FXRC 4 Flash X-ray channel controllers & one SU 8 – an 8-channel Ethernet switch
Scandiflash FXR Container Systems
are ideal solutions when testing in the field. Our 20′ ISO containers can be transported and easily setup at remote testing sites. The system is factory installed in a reinforced, insulated and heated container. Everything needed for the system – pulsers, X-ray tubes, control tower, cables and more are securely stored within the container during transport and storage.

Pulsers can be positioned along the length of the interior or configured 2×2 at the far end. Pulsers, control tower and all support equipment are securely mounted to the reinforced container walls.

Our 20′ ISO container system can be easily transported to test locations by truck or tractor. The container can be protected with concrete blocks at a test location.
Scandiflash FXR System Components

Dimensions: øL 38.58 x 57.87″ (980 x 1,470 mm)
Scandiflash FXR Systems use pulsers (high-voltage pulse generators) to generate high-intensity X-ray bursts (pulses) for radiography. Scandiflash pulsers are modified Marx surge generators – voltage multiplication is accomplished by charging capacitors in parallel and discharging them in series with spark gaps.
Grounded metal tanks are used to house pulser components – capacitors, spark gap switches and charging network. Our tanks are precision-built and pressurised to improve insulation and control over spark gap switch breakdown voltage. The exceptional shielding properties of our tanks, combined with the coaxial nature of capacitor discharge, lead to unusually low external radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation levels.
Flash X-ray Tubes

XT 300R Dimensions: øHL 4.5 x 9.66 x 15.06″ (114.3 x 245.5 x 382.5 mm)
Scandiflash FXR Systems feature cold cathode X-ray tubes with a robust design and small focal spot size – creating the ideal X-ray tubes for recording radiographs of ballistics and hypervelocity impact testing. X-ray tubes XT 150 through XT 450S are self-contained (a separate tube head is not needed for remote operation) and connected to pulsers with a flexible high-voltage coaxial cable. Pulser model PG 1200 features an X-ray tube connected directly to the pulser output.
Each X-ray tube has been designed to be user serviceable – consumable parts can be replaced on site at a fraction of the cost of a new tube to keep your research going strong and within budget.
The same tube can be used for both single and dual tube operation. For applications where low energy radiation is essential for improving contrast, an optional soft X-ray adapter (a thin plastic screen fitted to the tube) may be used for transmitting radiation as low as a few keV.
Control Tower & System

Cabinet dimensions: HWD 72.83 x 21.65 x 24.40″ (1,850 x 550 x 620 mm)
A computerized control system is used for Scandiflash FXR Systems. The electronics units are microprocessor controlled and connected to a laptop/desktop computer via Ethernet. All operating parameters can be set and read using a laptop/desktop computer. Where safety reasons or facility layout call for remote control, the system can be operated from long distance via fiber optic cable.
Power Distribution Unit – PDU 4
The PDU 4 contains a high-voltage power supply and is controlled by the FXRC 4 unit.
Flash X-ray Channel Control Unit – FXRC 4
Each system channel has a Flash X-ray channel control unit featuring the following functions:
• delay generator – range 0–999.999 ms in 1 µs increments with two trigger modes (contact closure & pulse)
• time interval meter – 0.05 µs time resolution
• dry air pressure control – for insulating high-voltage pulser modules
• dielectric gas pressure control – for insulating high-voltage cable connectors
• ion pump power supply (protection circuit included)
• system monitoring unit – monitors pulse in each channel and may be sourced from up to six check points in the FXR System: 1. trigger input to delay generator, 2. delay generator output, 3. trigger amplifier output, 4. pulser output, 5. pulser to tube cable output, and 6. X-ray tube output (optional)
Switch Unit – SU 8
The SU 8 is an 8-channel Ethernet switch that handles communication between computer and FXRC 4 units. It features a built-in Ethernet to fiber optic modem for using fiber optic cable for long distance operation.
ScandiControl is software developed for the operation and control of Scandiflash FXR Systems. The software gives you full remote control of all settings of the system’s operational parameters and handles up to eight channels.
ScandiControl has four user modes:
- ScandiControl config: used to configure system hardware at the factory before shipping. This mode allows the user to extend the FXR System by adding or removing components.
- ScandiControl User: standard mode for taking radiographs
- Test Mode User: for system operation with resistive loads
- Scandiflash: allows Scandiflash personnel to log into the computer and run the ScandiControl application for diagnostic purposes
Multi-Anode Flash X-ray Tubes
Multi-anode Flash X-ray tubes are used when closely spaced X-ray sources are needed to minimize parallax. Radiation from the tube is directed onto a scintillating (fluorescent) screen placed behind the subject. The scintillating screen converts the radiation into visible light and produces images on the rear side which can be intensified and captured with a high-speed or ultra high-speed camera.

B. Target C. Projectile D. Gun E. Scintillating Screen
F. Intensifier G. High-Speed/Ultra High-Speed Camera